Hi, i am a new member of cognoise, decided to join this forum over the others is becuz most solutions to my cognos problems are from ppl here. Glad. My first post here:)
I am totally new to cognos(but read about it for few days), given a project on exploring cognos 10 installation for my company. Before getting started, i would like to ask the pros out there, lets say if i am to install cognos 10.1.1 to work with oracle11g r2 on a 64 bit OS, what bit of oracle and cognos components should i install? Of course i would like to have everything 64 bit, however after research i do understand that framework manager only comes with 32 bit and i heard the gateway thing also work with 32 bits. confused. can someone guide me along please.
Thanks greatly,
hey and welcome to the most awesomststst cognos forum and bi lifesaver out there ;D
ive installed both, and i would reccomend to install the 32 bit if there are no specific requierements to go for the 64 bit version
btw, also the Cognos 10.2 update is fresh out, and they made some enhancements considering the versions ("These remaining 32 bit components of IBM Cognos 10 get an update for full 64 bit compatibility: BI Gateway, Metric Studio and Data Manager")...
so they are working towards 64 bit, but imao you wont make anything wrong with the 32 bit version, runs more stable (with other apps) in my experience.
see http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27027080
Besides that, ive got a client with C10.1.1 on an oracle 11g, works sweet.
If youre lucky a muppet, techie or other special cognos people will go more into detail, they have more adminstrational (and general i m afraid :D) knowledge then me.
cheerz :P
Quote from: charon on 14 Sep 2012 07:42:09 AM
hey and welcome to the most awesomststst cognos forum and bi lifesaver out there ;D
ive installed both, and i would reccomend to install the 32 bit if there are no specific requierements to go for the 64 bit version
btw, also the Cognos 10.2 update is fresh out, and they made some enhancements considering the versions ("These remaining 32 bit components of IBM Cognos 10 get an update for full 64 bit compatibility: BI Gateway, Metric Studio and Data Manager")...
so they are working towards 64 bit, but imao you wont make anything wrong with the 32 bit version, runs more stable (with other apps) in my experience.
see http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27027080
Besides that, ive got a client with C10.1.1 on an oracle 11g, works sweet.
If youre lucky a muppet, techie or other special cognos people will go more into detail, they have more adminstrational (and general i m afraid :D) knowledge then me.
cheerz :P
Thanks charon for your reply, greatly appreciated, but too bad, i did not see your reply in time so i went ahead with my 64bit installation(regretting now) haha.
I am now at the data source configuration part and hit this error: XQE-DS-0006 Unable to logon to data source. I googled it for quite awhile and cant seem to find a solution to my problem. Please please help me.
Cognos 10.1.1 64bit
Oracle 11g R2 64bit
IIS 7.5
Thanks in advance,