Objective: I want to filter on LOB as data tab control and then have subfunction in the tab controls to be filtered on the LOB selected.
Ex: LOB1tab
Radio button menu to flip cards
Cards with embedded charts ( Filtered on LOB1)
when I click on LOB2tab I want the new set of chart to be filtered on LOB2
Please see the attachment.
Thanks for any thoughts...
what is the isse, what exactly is not working? Do you have troubles with the interactive connections between the controlls and data container?
Would it be possible that you are using a data tab controll, but then a normal radio button (not data) controll for a normal deck?
if thats the case, FYI: like discussed in this forum before, you will need a data deck for the charts to filter.
The reason is, as Active Reports are mhtml application renedered in your browser which has no own chart engine, every filtered chart becomes an image saved in the mhtml. and to create "the illusion of filtered, animated charts", you need an data deck for the embeded charts.
So the connection logic should be:
Data tab controll -> RB -> Data deck -> Chart.
Make sure you filter the data deck query and then use a master detail relationship between chart and data deck.
if you have any other troubles let me know,
cheerz :P
Thanks Charon... :D
The thing I was missing with the master detail relationship and data deck for the chart. I was under the assumation that the filter will pass on their own, but thanks for the explaination.
ure welcome sir :)