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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => COGNOS 8 Administration => Topic started by: ServerGuy on 13 Sep 2012 12:54:16 PM

Title: Reports generate blank when run in Excel formats on some PC's
Post by: ServerGuy on 13 Sep 2012 12:54:16 PM
We have a set of users that when they try to generate a report using any of the excel formats as well as the PDF format the report comes back with no data. The headings for each column are on the report however nothing is returned. If we run the report using HTML it returns the information fine. We can also run the report as HTML then from the HTML view we can export the report as Excel 2007 and it saves the file correctly.

This is only happening for a set of users at another location. I can run the report on my workstation with any Excel option or the PDF option and it generates fine.

Does anyone know what might be causing this on these users PC's?

Title: Re: Reports generate blank when run in Excel formats on some PC's
Post by: charon on 14 Sep 2012 07:45:21 AM

is that for other user (security?!) or other pcs (browser?)
it might be some popup/ browser settings. if i recall correct, somewhere in this forum is a thread about internet explorer settings and their consequence for cognos functions.

what browser /version do they use?
Title: Re: Reports generate blank when run in Excel formats on some PC's
Post by: ServerGuy on 21 Sep 2012 09:59:37 AM
This is for a set of PC's in another location. We can login using their credentials on my PC and it works fine however on their PC's no matter who logs in we encounter the issue. I will search the forum for the other post on IE settings. any other ideas in the mean time?
Title: Re: Reports generate blank when run in Excel formats on some PC's
Post by: charon on 24 Sep 2012 09:00:00 AM
Further ideas? maye...but imao the most likely solution is a browser issue. remember, cognos frontends are webbased application with several dynamic functions, which will need browser support.
depending on the browser itself, the version and the security and plugin settings the presented results are different or even not existent.
therefore, check browser and version and security so kind and post them, maybe we can find out more based on these informations.
cheerz :P

Title: Re: Reports generate blank when run in Excel formats on some PC's
Post by: vasudev_chavan on 06 Nov 2012 08:45:07 AM
Please instruct the user to schedule the report to run as excel and once its completed we can ask them to save the reportoutput in there system and try to open it.

By the above action is the results are +ve we can confirm the IE setting issue else user is not following a proper steps.
