Hi Techies
I am facing a different kind of issue, When only one user is facing this issue.
If that user clicks on any elist node for his application, the data entering interface doesnt open up nor does it give any error , It just vanishes from application.
I have changed the IE version and upgraded to 8. But still problem persists, as same environment is for all users, and only his machine is giving problems.
Doesnt seems to be a pop up blocker issue as I have disabled it also , no issues with antivirus also
Please let me know if any solution in this aspect... Its little urgent
Does the loading screen show up at all for this user and then disappear, or does the splash screen not show up at all?
Thanks for the response.
Actually the loading screen shows up and vanishes it. No process also appears in Task Manager.
Is it a Windows Issue or not.. ?
It might be a persistent settings issue. In the CAC, under the application you're having problems with, select application maintenance > admin options. What is the persisted contributor web client settings set to? It'll be either, Server, Client or Off.
If it's set to server, change it to client and click save then have your user test.
Thanks for the update
I shall check and update. but its only for that particular user. Hence looks like an Windows or IE issue. As few people have tested it on their machines for the same application.
If any more workarounds let me know. I shall update tomorrow morning.
Hey CogPlan,
Perfect. I was just thinking though, what version of planning is being used? If I recall correctly, it's 8.1? If so, then the steps I provided to you aren't valid. If the contributor web begins to load and then disappears, in 8.1 we are using an ActiveX client. I would delete the *.store and *.at files usually located in the user's profile path. If that doesn't work, grab the planningerrorlog.csv from the system having problems and paste it into this thread.
Hi Eric
I tried as per your requests, but still the problem persists. Hence I am attaching the Error Log file along with this mail. Kindly do look into this and give me a solution in this aspect.
Last option is will have to format the user's laptop and reinstall Windows on his machine.
I am facing the exact problem for one user.Can you please us out.
Cognos 8 Planning and IE 11.
Reporting the same problem here. Maybe an IE issue? I'll be watching for a response