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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: lucnieto on 11 Sep 2012 09:08:46 AM

Title: Chart Difference between series.
Post by: lucnieto on 11 Sep 2012 09:08:46 AM
I need to calculate the difference between two series. Example,
I Have a BAR chart, in first bar I have "Real Scenary", and second "Forecast Scenary". The values is 10 (real) and 20(forecast). In the Report Studio, Can I get the difference (%) between them? In this case, 50 percent.
Please, I need your help...
Title: Re: Chart Difference between series.
Post by: tjohnson3050 on 11 Sep 2012 12:51:09 PM
In the query, create a data item referencing the other two data items:
