We recently upgraded our Planning to version 10.1. When on the web-site we went to File, Get Data and created a new Local Link. However, when we leave Cognos and come back to the web-page and click on Get Data again, there are no links under the Local Link tab.
If you have any suggestions, it would be appreciated.
Hey Rick,
Just to check something: Go into Contributor Administrator (CAC), select the application you created the local link in > Expand Development > Application Maintenance > Admin Options. For the Persisted option, what is it set to? It should be Server, Client, or Off. If it's set to Off then the local links will not be visible in the contributor web application. If it's set to server or client, it should be presenting the local links you've created..
Hope this helps..
I checked that setting and it is set to Client.
It is looking like we will just need to have the users Save the Local Links and then Add them back in every time they come back into the Contributor web-site.
Maybe this is just an inconvience that was created in Cognos 10 that did not exist in Cognos 8.