I have to display 2 query items in a single query item see the below example.
Claim Line ID- these are 2 query item need to display in single query item and line id is row count i think
<Claim ID>-<Line>-this is list column body
100270000100-003- this is sample date.
try this out
<Claim ID> +'-' +<Line>
Quote from: HalfBloodPrince on 30 Aug 2012 05:24:44 AM
try this out
<Claim ID> +'-' +<Line>
it was showing error- <Claim ID> +'-' +<Line> has loop
Cast dataitem to a string (where needed) and then use the || operator to concatenate strings to 1 new dataitem
Is this in a list report? If so, try unlocking the structure of the report and dragging your second item into the list column body of the first. You can then add a text item to give you the '-' separator.