I have report item called Male , i need to display below requirement in single column.
cn any one suggest, i can write all calculation as a single but need to display all in one item.
"The count of male members under the age of <1,1,2-6,7-13...)
Count of member number where gender is male and difference between birthdate and currentdate"
Try this
For displaying first two count create calculation in query, then add a text item into the list, then click on unlock button , then add text item and query calculation into that text item as per your requirement. I have not understood the last requirement .
other way is after creating a calculated column for counts, create one more query calculation like this 'count of male members '+ cast([Count of age range],varchar(4)) +' '+ 'Count of Males' + cast([Count of Male],varchar(4))
even calculation can also be done in this column also , but i am not sure what your exact report requirement eg.
'No of Males' + cast(count ([age]),varchar(4))