I am trying to run CRN/Cognos 8 using URL Shortcut at Upfront.
When both Upfront and CRN/Cognos 8 is at the same machine, and using the same namespace, I am able to get the report without being prompted to log on at CRN/Cognos 8.
However when Upfront and CRN/Cognos 8 are at different machines, but still using the same namespace, the logon prompt will appear. Any ideas how to bypass the re-logon step?
When you say Upfront and CRN/C8 are on different machines, what exactly do you mean? Are the gateways on different servers or the applications on different servers or both? You may need to check your web server settings on both machines to make sure they are both setup for single signon. If only the Upfront server is setup this way then only upfront will allow single signon. What web server are you using, IIS, Apache, etc...???
Make sure your servers are using fully qualified names and cookies are set on / path and proper domain.