i want to display the age like below, what function i will use to display like below, is it possible? can any one share your valuable ideas.
Age Range of the Member (<1,1,2-6,7-13...)
How many Total age bands are there like 2-3,7-6 up to what age ?
Use case statement logic in a query item expression to transform the age into buckets with a text item:
when age < 1 then '< 1'
when age = 1 then '1'
when age >1 and age < 7 then '2 - 6'
i have ...65-69,70-79,80+ this is final age band
case statement is not working if you hv any different ways can u post.
Try this
if([age]< 1) then
else if([age ]=1 ) then
else if ([age] >1 and age < 7) then
( '2 - 6')
else if ([age] >7 and age < 14 ) then
( '7 - 13')
else if ([age] >70 and age <= 79) then
( '70-78')