Hi There,
I am wondering if there is a way to make a cube read only. Right now if someone makes a change that doesn not work and saves it we have to manually back out the change. I woudl like to eithert make the cube read only or make it so they are forced to choose save as when they make changes
Any insight would be appreciated
Hi Bret,
Did you mean to post this in the TM1 section as a Transformer cube is read only until it is recreated in a build.
I am not sure - I do not see a TM1 section. Basically we build our cubes in a development environment and then move them to production through a build. But they remain editable in production - we would like them to be read only in Production for everyone
Hi Bret,
I think you need to clarify what product you are using in order to answer this properly. TM1 does allow user write back capability as does Cognos Planning while Transformer once the cube is built is uneditable by the user and is only updated when the cube is rebuilt.
The TM1 forum is under the planning and consolidation section.
ok - I will take one last stab at trying to explain myslef ( I am new to this so I appologize)
in production everyone can open a cube
then they can modify it - say by hiding a column they do not want to see
then they hit the save button
When the next person goes in they will not see the column the person who went in beforehand hid.
We would like it so that whenever the cube is opened it opens as the default settings for the cube
We are using the Cognos 10 Suite
Hope I didn't make it worse
Ok, so its not the cube itself that is being edited it but rather a view of it.
When people go into the cube through the Cognos 10 suite do they use Analysis Studio or Report Studio? When people hit save are they saving a particular report?
it opens in Powerplay studio. When the people hit save they are actually saving a cube view which modifies the default cube view which we do not want to happen
Hi Bret,
It's been sometime since I had a look at Powerplay Studio and its the one studio I don't have installed.
Does it happen when someone first launches Powerplay Studio and chooses a package? I thought the default behaviour for PS was to just use the first two dimensions.
I have done some more reseach and some fiddling and I do not think it is possible to do what i am looking to do. The best way for me to acheive what I am looking for is a pop up that occurs when you hit the save button to say - do you really want to save this as it is the adminsitrators overwriting their own cubes.
Thanksk for all the insight Rob - it is appreciated