Hi All,
I am having a client whose database is Ingres and installed in Linux environment.
How to connect to ingres database in linux with Cognos BI enterprise.
Your guidance is appreciated.
Thanks in Advance
Postgres is supported via ODBC, but it doesn't appear that Ingres is a supported database for Cognos 10.1.1:
According to the document, Ingres Vectorwise (Actian Vectorwise) 1.6 is fully supported via ODBC. If you're on something like Ingres 10 then that would come under "Other Windows ODBC 3.5 compliant sources" I imagine - if you can find an ODBC for it that conforms to the 3.5 spec, it ought to work. That's a big "if", though :)
Thank you for your replys.
I look more into it and let you know.
Thanks again
One more thing, you didn't mention where Cognos is installed, keep in mind that ODBC connections are only supported if Cognos is installed on Windows.
Quote from: tjohnson3050 on 24 Aug 2012 08:33:27 AM
One more thing, you didn't mention where Cognos is installed, keep in mind that ODBC connections are only supported if Cognos is installed on Windows.
Oh! A very good point! My rheumy old muppety eyes missed that it was a Linux environment.
Cognos must be installed on linux environment where Ingres is installed or some diff machine of Linux environment.
Thanks again
Cognos does not support connecting to Ingres when Cognos is installed on Linux - period. You need to let the client know soon and work on a different solution. For example:
1. Install Cognos on a windows machine and use ODBC to connect to Ingres on Linux.
2. Extract the data from Ingres into a datamart on a platform that is supported by Cognos when installed on linux.
Stick to the supported solutions, or you will most likely fail:
How is it possible that tjohnson is posting so many great answers all across the forum and yet not getting any applauds!?!?
C'mon people!! Get with the program!! It isn't so hard to click a little link and say thank you.
LOL - thanks for the props Lynn :)
Lynn is right! Let's show our appreciation!!
Hi All,
Thank you so much for your valuable replies.
Appreciated a lot.
Thanks again