Is there Cognos 10 Administration and security guide in pdf format . I always find cognos 8 version and not 10.x
Any help appreciated
I think that guide is replaced with the IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Architecture and Deployment Guide.
Have you looked in your Cognos 10 folder, subfolder webcontent\documentation.
I have the trial version of developer edition.
so that pdf is a little different.
Is the pdf of BI available online also?
You can find all C10 PDF documentation (included the one you asking here) in this IBM library:
Or had you done a search of the forum you would have found my original post with the same link.,18339.0.html
great was searching for "Cognos 10 Administration and security guide" and not "documentation" and hence could not find the link.
Please can you give me guidance on must reads from the list for Cognos 10 Admin certification
just ran through crn_arch for version 10 (BI Arch and deployment)
what next...please help...the pass mark seems a little too high. :)
Or log in as System Admin in Cognos Connection -> Click help -> Click PDF in top right corner of the screen...