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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Transformer => Topic started by: MMcBride on 20 Aug 2012 02:39:30 PM

Title: Cube syntax for AIX
Post by: MMcBride on 20 Aug 2012 02:39:30 PM
I saw this some where, I even built scripts to make it easier to run... but I got a new laptop at work and forgot to carry them forward...

I used an "environment" file to change the AIX environment prior to executing a transformer refresh on AIX, I can't seem to recall what parameters I used for this.
I admit up front I haven't looked through the IBM documentation in detail as of yet and plan to do that when I get a chance, but thought I would post here in case anyone had the information handy.

Thank you in advance.
Title: Re: Cube syntax for AIX
Post by: Grim on 22 Aug 2012 10:16:48 AM
Do you mean the 'env' of the user kicking off the cube build?
Perhaps you mean the cube preferences using a file?
Title: Re: Cube syntax for AIX
Post by: MMcBride on 24 Aug 2012 09:48:57 AM
I had scripts that I built that would change the ENV settings to allow Transformer to run

The purpose was to ensure Transformer would run correctly so essentially when you executed the cogtr command line it would call the correct ENV settings.

However I lost these when I got a new laptop...

To get around this issue for now I modified the ENV settings for JAVA_HOME etc.. for users that will call Transformer in their .profiles.
This works but it means these users who are also administrators cannot launch the Cogconfig shell

Which in itself is not a bad thing I guess, so now instead of each user being able to modify things we have an "Admin" account that does this that we can all log onto but for Transformer runs etc we log in as our individual users.

Now the training begins...
We need to modify the MDL files manually prior to getting them to work on AIX, which is annoying to say the least.