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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: Mpotla on 20 Aug 2012 09:43:55 AM

Title: Help needed in Creating Report in Report Studio using TM1 published package
Post by: Mpotla on 20 Aug 2012 09:43:55 AM
I Have one package published using TM1 cube.

List of Dimension:

Time dimension: Data is availble from 2000 to 2013(CurrentYear+1).The V
Scenario: It have scenario(A,B,C)
Measure: Quantity

I want to create one report which would show the Quantity by Scenario 'A' for Eight years starting from Current Years.
forthe Current Year+1 (2013) i would need to show the Quantity by Scenario 'B'.

After calculating the above Quantities for Scenario 'A' and Scenario 'B'.I would be using them for caluting another three Measures.

Calculatd Measure1: Quantity Scenario B/Quantity Scenarion A for Current Year.
Calculatd Measure2: Quantity Scenario A(CurrentYear)/(Quantity Scenarion A for Current Year-1).
Calculatd Measure3: Quantity Scenario B/(Quantity Scenarion A for Current Year-9).

I have create Query by having calculated Measures for Each Year  for SCenarion A and 2013Scenario B. When i am doing this calculations,


My Query is giving data, Query is giving data only for one measure. query is giving blank when i add another calculated column based on Year.

More over the performance of the report is also not gud.

Finally I have tried having one query for each measure and did the Union. Its giving me the data but performance is very bad.

I am new to this DMR reporting. Please suggest me the approach I should follow to implement the solution.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
