We need to find all of our Report Studio reports that use a certain string, so we can update that string. Let's just say it is "SuperGuyX", and we need to find every report with an expression that contains the string "SuperGuyX", so we can change them all to "SuperGuyY". I would like a tool to help me find all the reports. But I don't need an automated solution for the replacement...I don't expect to find very many, and we can fix them manually one-at-a-time. Is there a way I can query the Content Store to do a search for my string? I don't know the database model specs, so I'm not sure which tables to look in. I also understand the XML report specifications are stored as BLOB's, so that adds to my challenge.
By the way, I would prefer not to use SDK or a 3rd party tool. But if that is the ONLY way to do it, please give me guidance.
Take a look at the reportspec updater. This tool is by IBM and looks the right one to help you with this...