I want to add no of years with data item
like...([business layer].
- .[y] + 65 years) with the formatted as mm/dd/yyyy.
can some one please suggest on the same. is it possible to execute the same above condition.
Pls try to give some more explanation about what data it contains in column y . Means its date 2012-08-16 or years like 2007.
65 years is what a calculation or fixed value ??
Have you tried using the _add_years function?
_add_years ( date_expression, integer_expression )
Returns the date or datetime, depending on the format of "date_expression", that results from the addition of "integer_expression" years to "date_expression".
Quote from: HalfBloodPrince on 16 Aug 2012 06:39:57 AM
Pls try to give some more explanation about what data it contains in column y . Means its date 2012-08-16 or years like 2007.
65 years is what a calculation or fixed value ??
in column y having date of birth which is formatted as mm/dd/yyy
65years is a fixed calculation.
Try This
create a query Calculation as
_add_years ([Year],65)
then right click got to Style->data format -> Select date
then in the last property Pattern put MM/dd/YYYY