I don't have UI(x-windows)so the only option is silent install. I have installed the content manager component on a linux server and started the configuration(silent mode).
Below is the content of the "cogconfig_response.csv" file. Everything is successful except the service. Connectivity to content store is fine and also 2 tables were created in content store.
Am I missing something here? Your help is appreciated.
INFO, "[main]", "Silent Execution Mode (start)"
EXEC, "[main]", "Loading configuration file"
SUCCESS, "[main]", "Completed successfully."
EXEC, "[Validation]", "Checking for errors and configuration integrity"
SUCCESS, "[Validation]", "Completed successfully."
EXEC, "[Cryptography]", "Generating cryptographic information"
SUCCESS, "[Cryptography]", "Completed successfully."
EXEC, "[Data Encryption]", "Checking integrity of encrypted data"
SUCCESS, "[Data Encryption]", "Completed successfully."
EXEC, "[Checking upgrade status]", "Checking upgrade status"
SUCCESS, "[Checking upgrade status]", "Completed successfully."
EXEC, "[Cryptography]", "Generating cryptographic information"
SUCCESS, "[Cryptography]", "Completed successfully."
EXEC, "[Launching a JVM using 'Maximum memory in MB']", "Launching a JVM using 'Maximum memory in MB'"
INFO, "[Launching a JVM using 'Maximum memory in MB']", "Successfully launched a test JVM with the memory setting of '768'. Note that this does not guarantee that the IBM Cognos service will start and run successfully.
To see which JVM options are based on this setting, view ibmcognos_location/bin/bootstrap_<OS>.xml and see your JVM documentation for an explanation of those options."
SUCCESS, "[Launching a JVM using 'Maximum memory in MB']", "Completed successfully."
EXEC, "[Trust Root Test]", "Checking for same Trust Root."
SUCCESS, "[Trust Root Test]", "Completed successfully."
EXEC, "[CSK Request Test]", "Checking CSK availability."
SUCCESS, "[CSK Request Test]", "Completed successfully."
EXEC, "[Content Manager database connection]", "Testing Content Manager database connection."
SUCCESS, "[Content Manager database connection]", "Completed successfully."
EXEC, "[Archive Local File System Root]", "Testing the archive location."
INFO, "[Archive Local File System Root]", "Since the value is empty, the feature is disabled. There is nothing to test."
SUCCESS, "[Archive Local File System Root]", "Completed successfully."
EXEC, "[Validate mail server properties.]", "Testing the mail server connection."
ERROR, "[Validate mail server properties.]", "The mail server cannot be reached."
FAILURE, "[Validate mail server properties.]", "Failed."
EXEC, "[Checking test results]", "Checking test results"
SUCCESS, "[Checking test results]", "Completed successfully."
EXEC, "[Start Service]", "Starting the service 'IBM Cognos'"
ERROR, "[Start Service]", "CFG-ERR-0103 Unable to start IBM Cognos service.
Execution of the external process returns an error code value of '1'."
FAILURE, "[Start Service]", "Failed."
INFO, "[main]", "Silent Execution Mode (end)"
What's the error in the cogserver.log?
Here is the cogserver.log. I dropped the content store and created it again (followed the ibm sample template).
I'm still unable to start the service.
What Linux/Unix Vendor version are you using?
What is the DB vendor version for your content store?
Did you check that your software environment is supported?
I found this KB in IBM support portal, check if solution works, though it is meant for cognos 8, it is pretty much applicable to c10.
New installation of Cognos 8 fails to start the service with errors.
StartService Warning CM-CFG-5063 A Content Manager configuration error was detected while connecting to the content store. CM-CFG-5073 An unexpected event occurred while loading object class definitions into the content store CM-CFG-5073 An unexpected event occurred while loading object class definitions into the content store. CM-CFG-5043 Column information is not available for the content store column CMCLASSES.CLASSID associated with property " + _classid.
Corrupted cogstartup.xml file
Resolving the problem
1. Rename the cogstartup.xml file: i) Change the current cognos/c8/configuration/cogstartup.xml by adding an extension like .old to the file name ii) Rename a previous cogstartup.xml to cogstartup.xml. 2. Clean the Content Store Schema: Empty the Content Store schema tables using the following scripts: i) cognos/c8/configuration/schemas/content//dbClean_.sql and cognos/c8/configuration/schemas/delivery//NC_DROP_.sql. 3. Verify that the settings in Cognos Configuration are correct 4. Save the configuration 5. Start Cognos service Note: Make sure the Cognos 8 Service name is renamed if an existing service exists (Applicable only for Windows)