I have drill through definitions set up so the user can drill through from Analysis Studio to Report Studio Report.
These work fine, although every now and then they seem to become corrupt and when I edit the drill through definition it says the target report is unavailable.
Then when i reselect the same report it just runs forever with the text "Please wait while the system checks for prompts" next tot he hour glass.
The target report runs fine on its own.
Has anybody else had an issue with this?
Could it be if you save over the top of the target report with an updated version the link is broke and causes the corruption?
Does the user have the authaurization to acces the report folder ?
Did you check the security rules of this user ?
It is in our DEV environment so security is not an issue.
Thanks though,
Drill throughs tend to break after you overwrite the target report, although it depends on exactly how you overwrite it. If you overwrite it in such a way that the storeID changes, then the drillthroughs are likely to fail (although that's weird, since the XML seems to indicate it goes by the report path). Does making a new drillthrough definition work?
Do you have any warnings or errors in the target report? Do you have any nonstandard prompts, or prompts that Cognos would have difficulty determining the data type? Any token prompts without a default value?
Creating a new definition works fine.
All the prompts are standard, nothing out of the ordinary and the report has no errors.
Is there a recommended number of prompts to pass from an Analysis Studio view?