I have a client that does not have an index yet so we cannot use the search features. When I go to Cognos Administration/Configuration there is no icon to 'Create Index Update'. Is anyone aware of what I can check or something that needs to be changed in Cognos Configuration for this icon to appear? Client is on version 10.1.1.
Quote from: bi4u2 on 10 Aug 2012 09:38:09 AM
I have a client that does not have an index yet so we cannot use the search features. When I go to Cognos Administration/Configuration there is no icon to 'Create Index Update'. Is anyone aware of what I can check or something that needs to be changed in Cognos Configuration for this icon to appear? Client is on version 10.1.1.
I don't have access to C10 for the specifics, but if you go into Cognos Configuration and select the Cognos 10 service on the left, are all the services listed on the right set to 'True'? Just wondering whether the indexing service is disabled?
The other thing to check is the capabilities of your user. Are you a member of the System Administrator's role?
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I checked configuration and everything was set to 'True', I will check to make sure that I am in 'System Administrators', I thought I was but I will check.
This could be your browser issue: https://www-304.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21503911
I'm using IE9 without any problem. Firefox works as well.
This did not help. I am on IE 9 and did check the Show Hidden Entries. Still not seeing the Create Index Update icon. Weird.
Did you try as mentioned here?
I was able to successfully create indexes on our environment. Make sure you exclude the report outputs and other irrelevant stuff, it will take a lot of time otherwise.
Charlie, thanks for the info. I have done this successfully at some clients but I have some clients where the ICON to create the index update task is missing entirely so I cannot even run it.
We installed FP1 for 10.1.1 and this seemed to resolve it.
we have been struggling to create any sort of workable index
(on 10.1 & 10.1.1)
index sort of works on a very small folder, but from what we're seeing thus far, anything with DMR or drillthrough reports causes the job to run for silly amounts of time (after two weeks we cancel the jobs)
creating individual index jobs per report and package seems rather crazy (or am i really that unreasonable in thinking that i cant point it at a subject area (one of many in our portal))
have all of you been able to run these index jobs without problems?
Michal, the first time you run the index it may take a couple of hours so schedule overnight. One thing that I found is that you will need to change the 'Maximum Memory in MB' in Cognos Configuration from 768 to 1024. Also, on the Index Search tab, deselect some of the indexable types that may be not relevant for your organization.