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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Cognos Administration => Topic started by: um6a on 08 Aug 2012 02:25:32 AM

Title: Can't start Cognos Service after changing hostname
Post by: um6a on 08 Aug 2012 02:25:32 AM
Hello everybody! I'm novice in Cognos but already have a problem with starting Cognos Service after not planned changes of hostname. I'm understand that i have problem with CM because if i create new CM service start successful. But i need start with corrupted CM or if it possible restore reports and packages from them. This is message from Congnos Configuration when i start service with my corrupted CM:

[Launching a JVM using 'Maximum memory in MB']
Successfully launched a test JVM with the memory setting of '768'. Note that this does not guarantee that the IBM Cognos service will start and run successfully.

To see which JVM options are based on this setting, view ibmcognos_location/bin/bootstrap_<OS>.xml and see your JVM documentation for an explanation of those options.

[Archive Local File System Root]
Since the value is empty, the feature is disabled. There is nothing to test.

[Validate mail server properties.]
[ ERROR ] The mail server cannot be reached.

[Start Service]
10:05:37, 'LogService', 'StartService', 'Success'.
10:05:38, CAF input validation disabled.
10:05:38, CAF Third Party XSS checking disabled.
10:06:49, CM-SYS-5242 Background task manager is not running.
10:06:50, 'ContentManagerService', 'StartService', 'Success'.
10:06:50, CM-SYS-5160 Content Manager is running in standby mode. The active Content Manager URL is .
10:06:50, 'relationalMetadataService', 'StartService', 'Success'.
10:06:50, <parameters><item name="msgCode"><![CDATA[cmErrGetActiveCM]]></item><item name="msgText"><![CDATA[CM-SYS-5154 Content Manager is unable to get the active Content Manager URI.]]></item><item name="request"><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:bus="" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle=""><SOAP-ENV:Header><bus:biBusHeader xsi:type="bus:biBusHeader"><bus:tracking xsi:type="bus:tracking"><sessionContext xsi:type="xsd:string">getActiveContentManager1344409610344</sessionContext><requestContext xsi:type="xsd:string">sv9Gy4hyvM89jM9wqhMhvd99v8yvh4Cj4289yqj8</requestContext></bus:tracking><bus:dispatcherTransportVars SOAP-ENC:arrayType="bus:dispatcherTransportVar[]" xsi:type="SOAP-ENC:Array"><item xsi:type="bus:dispatcherTransportVar"><name xsi:type="xsd:string">requester</name><value xsi:type="xsd:string">DISP</value></item></bus:dispatcherTransportVars><CAMProtect xsi:type="bus:CAMProtect"><trustedValue xsi:type="xsd:base64Binary">FAAAAF/iDnSexqJ/0fxyFr75XXwcZ6TJB//QawuhoCiE+/ulguHFPs5bUX0=</trustedValue><serviceId xsi:type="xsd:string">DISP</serviceId></CAMProtect></bus:biBusHeader></SOAP-ENV:Header><SOAP-ENV:Body><bus:getActiveContentManager/></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>]]></item><item name="requester"><![CDATA[disp]]></item><item name="msgLocation"><![CDATA[]]></item></parameters>
10:06:50, 'ContentManager', 'getActiveContentManager', 'Failure'.
DPR-CMI-4006 Unable to determine the active Content Manager. Will retry periodically.
10:06:50, CM-REQ-2378 A request was received to start the negotiation process to determine which Content Manager instance should become active.

Could anyone help me please.
Use Cognos 10 + MS SQLServer 2008 + Windows Server 2008
(Sorry for my English)
Title: Can't start Cognos Service after changing hostname
Post by: MFGF on 08 Aug 2012 02:57:15 PM

Did you change all the relevant hostname entries in the Environment tab in Cognos Configuration? Don't forget you may have to scroll down to see them all.


Snet form my fumblefingers
iPhon 5 usig Tapatalk
Title: Re: Can't start Cognos Service after changing hostname
Post by: Grim on 09 Aug 2012 09:56:07 AM
So my first question is...

Did the server "hostname" change (Nothing to do with Cognos)?


Are you referring to the "hostname" configured in Cognos Configuration ONLY?


Is this Windows or Unix/Linux?
Title: Re: Can't start Cognos Service after changing hostname
Post by: um6a on 09 Aug 2012 11:09:13 AM
Thanks Everybody. Problem is solved.
Title: Can't start Cognos Service after changing hostname
Post by: MFGF on 09 Aug 2012 09:39:04 PM
Quote from: um6a on 09 Aug 2012 11:09:13 AM
Thanks Everybody. Problem is solved.

Fancy sharing the solution so that others with the same kind of issues will know what to look for?


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD