On the Capability page under IBM Cognos Administration -> Security, none of the items are editable.
When I click on the Action button against a secured function or feature, nothing happens.
I am logged in as Anonymous user and Everyone is added under System Administrators role.
Not sure what configuration is missing. I want to remove secured feature Lineage for some users.
Any clues on this? I have tried out various things but no luck. Any pointers would be appreciated.
Just something you might check - when logged in, hit the little person in the upper right portion of the browser and choose My Preferences. Click the Personal tab. Scroll down a little and you will see what Cognos believes your groups/roles and capabilities are. Ensure it really thinks you are a System Administrator.
It could be browser compatibility issue, make sure you are using supported browser. Also, see if Enable XSS filter setting is disabled in IE, I have noticed this setting could cause issues.
Yes, it was a browser specific issue. It didn't work on IE but worked on Firefox.
Disabling Enable XSS filter setting on IE also didn't resolve the issue on IE.
OK, then it should be some setting on IE causing the issue. Try to access the application on any other machine and if it works, try to replicate changes to your IE. Check Configure Web Browsers, section in installation and configuration guide.