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Planning & Consolidation => COGNOS Planning => Topic started by: jviegasbi4all on 06 Aug 2012 04:45:31 AM

Title: Can't create a Contributor administration macro to run an analyst macro
Post by: jviegasbi4all on 06 Aug 2012 04:45:31 AM
Hello to all,

I'm trying to create a Contributor administration macro to run an analyst macro in the live environment of the client and I've not been able to do it (the curious thing is that I can do it in the dev environment and the client tells me that I am with the same rights in both.

When creating the step to run an analyst macro, the contributor crashes and when I close de window it displays the information "Unable to collect analyst macros"

Thank you in advance
Title: Re: Can't create a Contributor administration macro to run an analyst macro
Post by: ericlfg on 06 Aug 2012 07:32:24 AM
Hey there,

To start:

1. What version of planning is being used?
2. What operating systems is being used on the servers?
3. Are you running the CAC from the server or from a local system?
4. How many servers are involved in the live environment?

Possible issue 1:
This issue can happen if the IBM services are running under a named account (rather than local system) and this account did not do the install of planning. 

Possible issue 2:
This issue can also happen if your filesys.ini and associated .tab files are not accessible properly.

For issue 1, log onto the CAC service machine and open task manager.  Go through your process to create the macro in the CAC and if you see the dyalog32 and epOpHost processes spin up and then disappear, you are likely running into this problem.  To fix it, you'll need to copy some registry keys, I can update this thread with more information once you confirm if this is the case.

For issue 2, you'll want to take a look at the file system permissions for the filesys.ini and the .tab files and ..\locks folder paths at the top of the filesys.ini file.  You will also likely want to compare your configuration between Dev and Live.
Title: Re: Can't create a Contributor administration macro to run an analyst macro
Post by: jviegasbi4all on 27 Aug 2012 06:03:54 AM
Hi ericlfg

First of all sorry about the delay but I've been away. Returning to this issue here are the answers for your question

1. What version of planning is being used?

    Cognos Planning 8.4.1

2. What operating systems is being used on the servers?

    Server are with windows 2008
    The terminal I'm using to develop Windows 7

3. Are you running the CAC from the server or from a local system?

   I'm running CAC in a local system where I do the development

4. How many servers are involved in the live environment?

    2 servers in prod (web+app server and database server)
    1 server for development

Addicionally I've notice that I can do any macro for analyst admin purposes (if I create a macro to sync an application it gives me an error when trying to get the list of libraries).

I'm starting to think its a problem with permission for the user but need to be sure about it to ask for changes to the client's infrustrure team.

Thank you in advance for the help, best regards

Title: Re: Can't create a Contributor administration macro to run an analyst macro
Post by: SomeClown on 27 Aug 2012 06:18:32 AM
For prod in Cognos Configuration, do you have this setting to true?
Allow session information to be shared between client applications? under the Security > Authentication

I'm not sure, but I seem to recall if this is false, it won't let macros run.  Could easily be wrong as my memory is terribel.  I'd compare between dev and prod and see if they are different.
Title: Re: Can't create a Contributor administration macro to run an analyst macro
Post by: jviegasbi4all on 27 Aug 2012 07:50:21 AM
Thank you Someclown,

I cannot enter cognos configuration due to security policies but just sent an email to confirm this and change the setting in dev environment.

Let's see if this works (I'll send an update after I test this).

Best regards,

Title: Re: Can't create a Contributor administration macro to run an analyst macro
Post by: jviegasbi4all on 28 Aug 2012 05:37:43 AM

Either prod as dev environment were with the option false.

I've asked to change the option in the dev environment and I continue to have the same problem. While trying to do a macro in CAC to execute an analyst macro, CAC wasn't responding and when I forced to close de application I got a dialog with this message "Unable to collect list of libraries".

The same action to test to synch an app also placed CAC as not responding.
Title: Re: Can't create a Contributor administration macro to run an analyst macro
Post by: SomeClown on 28 Aug 2012 06:21:02 AM
"I cannot enter cognos configuration due to security policies "
is probably your problem.  Either your user id or the service account doesn't have rights to read the Analyst libraries (probably service account).  My guess is they locked it down so that it stopped working.  Not sure if it's Cognos security or file folder permissions.