Hello members
i have one student number, who has 6 course id , if i filter one particular course and than student number should not be displayed in report. at this moment if i filter on any specific course id i still get to see student number with remaining 5 course id's. So How can i filter so i do not see this particular student number in report even though i am filtering on one specific course id?
any help will be appreciated.
You mean that you want to not fetch data associated with a certain course id? And then you expect only data returned concerning students NOT associated with that particular course?
Query1: Simply fetch all student ID's
Query2: Fetch student id's associated with the particular course
Query3: Create a union set from Query 1 and query 2 and set the set oparator to 'except'
Join Query 3 to the data query that fetched all data by joining over student ID
Thanks Sir. i will try yours suggestion.