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Planning & Consolidation => TM1 => Topic started by: saumil287 on 30 Jul 2012 12:53:56 AM

Title: Cognos TM1 admin server not starting after installing tm1 10.1.0
Post by: saumil287 on 30 Jul 2012 12:53:56 AM
Hi All,
I am having windows server 2008 64 bit comp on which I have installed cognos 10.1.0 TM1 on E drive, instead of C drive(cognos 10.1.1 BI is installed) due to lack of space.

The installation didn't give any error, but when starting cognos config from start menu after installing TM1 and on right click TM1 admin server -> start , the configuration shows starting TM1.

The stop icon displays even after starting tm1 admin server.
the other services TM1 excel and application server are starting and displaying in srvices windows panel.
The service is not displaying in services panel.

Your guidance is appreciated
Thanks in advance
Title: Re: Cognos TM1 admin server not starting after installing tm1 10.1.0
Post by: saumil287 on 30 Jul 2012 04:16:06 AM
Hi all,
I am also having cog exp 9.5 installed in c /program files(x86).
Is bcoz of these I am not able to start TM1 admin server 10.1.0?

Title: Re: Cognos TM1 admin server not starting after installing tm1 10.1.0
Post by: Rahul Ganguli on 31 Jul 2012 03:38:38 AM
It seems everything you did was allright.
Have you restarted the machine, since TM1 needs a restart after the installation.

If the issue still exists, I would suggest you to reinstall.
Title: Re: Cognos TM1 admin server not starting after installing tm1 10.1.0
Post by: saumil287 on 31 Jul 2012 11:35:42 PM
Hi Rahul,
I also did restart and also re installing TM1 10.1.0.
I am able to navigate to Application page and to pmpsvc web page also but when I click on Performance modeler , It says you want to install now->on clicking yes,it gives an error.
During installation, I selected all the components even performance modeler and Cognos Insight.

Thanks in advance
Title: Re: Cognos TM1 admin server not starting after installing tm1 10.1.0
Post by: Rahul Ganguli on 01 Aug 2012 01:44:18 AM
I have not installed TM1 10.1.0, it seems to be a lot different than 9.5.2.
I will try to install it soon and let you know my experience.
Title: Re: Cognos TM1 admin server not starting after installing tm1 10.1.0
Post by: OLAPBPMguy on 06 Aug 2012 12:00:25 PM
If a TM1 server service is started and it can't find an admin host then the admin host application (as opposed to service) automatically be started.  Once the admin host application is running then you cant start the admin host service - it will start and stop.  Check that this isn't your problem but it sounds like it is.  If so then shut down all TM1 services including the admin host application. Then start the admin host SERVICE first, followed by ther other services.
Title: Re: Cognos TM1 admin server not starting after installing tm1 10.1.0
Post by: vasudev_chavan on 06 Nov 2012 08:04:09 AM
When the Cognos TM1 services starts it should be using a local admin account.

Steps to implement it.

Start >> Run >> services.msc >> Locate the TM1 related service and change the  logon service account to local admin account.

The issue will be resolved.
