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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: Sheldon on 25 Jul 2012 02:52:50 PM

Title: Getting All Results On One Row
Post by: Sheldon on 25 Jul 2012 02:52:50 PM
I have seven fields - student id, last name, first name, date of English exam, score on English exam, date of math exam AND score on math exam.
For student 1, I would like:
1 Smith John 6/13/2012 80 6/15/2012 90

But what I'm seeing are two rows -->
1 Smith John 6/13/2012 80
                                            6/15/2012 90

Is there something I should be doing to get these seven fields into one row?

Thanks, Sheldon
Title: Re: Getting All Results On One Row
Post by: Sheldon on 25 Jul 2012 02:54:38 PM
Forgot to mention that this is a List Report.

Title: Re: Getting All Results On One Row
Post by: ravimahazan84 on 26 Jul 2012 03:13:30 AM
Hi sheldon,

I tried the same but i am getting them in a single line wt i did i created a new data item and in that data item i concatanate like this
query obj1+query obj2+query obj3+........  so on and if you run this you will get the result in one row you can also put space b/w them for better view

hope this will help you
Title: Re: Getting All Results On One Row
Post by: Sheldon on 27 Jul 2012 01:33:35 PM
I was able to get unique values for each exam by using the following expression:
Maximum(If ([Test Name] Starts With ('English')) Then ([Test Date]) Else Null For [Student ID]).  So this gave me what I wanted until I saw that it didn't give me students who took the English test, got a failing score and had to take it again.  My expression only gave me their highest score and I needed to show all their test scores so I would appreciate any suggestions again as I've been working for hours on this.

Thanks, Sheldon