Hi Everybody,
im wondering, is there a way to calculate measures for a level and burst the report based on the member of the level set?
Example (ibm demo data): Bursting a report based on product_id, is it possible to calculate the average cost or revenue for all products of one product_type?
And also use this calculation for further operations (e.g. The difference of the item cost of one product and the average of all products of a special product type)?!
Im stumbling right now on a report request dealing with this challenge...any ideas or hints are welcome.
Thx and cheerz :P
Assuming you're using a dimensional package, you can get the average for your cost/revenue etc by using expressions such as average([Cost Measure] within set children([Product Type Member Of Choice]))
Jo Muppetmaster,
thx for the reply. Sadly, ive already tried and failed with that kind of approach.
Imagine a crosstab like
Product_1 Average of all products of the product type "Tents" Difference in %
measure 1
measure 2
measure 3
Using for the 2nd column (average of all....) "average(currentmeasure within set children([Tent])) leads into the same results for the measures as product_1.
Remember, the report is a bursted one, bursted on product_id.
so, result is
Product_1 Average of all products of the product type "Tents" Difference in %
measure 1 0,5 0,5 0
measure 2 1,52 1,52 0
measure 3 52,42 52,42 0
Ive geting the feeling, that its not possible for cognos to get the information of the whole level "tent" products because of the bursting on lowest level.
Is that correct?
If so...DAMN YOU COGNOS! >:(
If no... HELP! :P