Hi there,
im having trouble with creating a complex filter in RS 10.1.1 for a report im bursting.
Take the IBM demo data...
Im bursting on product type level. Means, every product level gets one individual report page.
Furthermore, i want to set a filter for. Sth. like: "case when [product type] = [iron] then [country]= [middle europe]
(using the dim. member instead the attributes).
So i want to build a content filter for another dimension, so as result the chart and crosstab in the report contains only data from middle europe in case of a defined product type.
RS gives me a error message, and im not sure if its an syntax error or im using the wrong approach.
Any ideas and hints are welcome :)
thx and cheerz :P
EDIT: While using a simple filter (producttypecode= 951 e.g.) receiving the error
RSV-VAL-0005 Cannot burst charts or crosstab reports. The Burst Query is: Query1
I HAVE connected list and crosstab using a master-detail relationsship (the crosstab is placed in a list)...works well.
Is it not possible the create filter for bursted reports in general????
*push* ::)
Alright, apparently its not possible to create filters with build-in-conditions. The reason is, the conditions are used in the "where" sql syntax and produces an error.
the work around: create an data item and use the conditional logic there, and use furthermore a filter referencing the data item.
or you can use AND/ OR logic.
more informations :http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21335655
cheerz :P