Hello friends. I have a cube with a time dimension that has only a day level. It builds with just two dates (current day and prior day).
I want to create a grouped relative time category so the user can easily see change and growth. I can't seem to get the right settings to achieve this after trying numerous combinations. It seems to not like the fact that I have only the day level in my time dimension. The context drop down is empty so I can't see a way to specify the prior member within the same level.
I tried different options with N-period running total grouped and Period to date total grouped, but no luck.
Wondering if anyone has done something like this and has some suggestions.
I found a solution, but it is a little kludgy.
I put the date into the time dimension twice so I have two levels but they really are the same thing. It has a level I called "Date" and the beneath that I level I called "Day".
The time setting on the higher "Date" level is "None" (it complains if I try to make it a day because the bottom level is already a day). This prevents me from formatting it, but we will really only be using the grouped hierarchy or the separate Latest Day or Prior Day relative time hierarchies, so this isn't too much of an issue. The lower level is "Day" for the date function with my desired formatting.
With two levels I was able to use N-Period Running Total (Grouped) as the basic approach; Number of Periods 1; Target Period Day offset 0; Context Period Date offset -1
This works, but if anyone has a more straight-forward approach I'd love to hear :)
I'm impressed!! I tried to get this to work and failed! In my book. this makes you a guru! :)