As our Cognos system has grown, so have the amount of ETLs. They are constantly being added/removed. I currently have a spreadsheet that lists the ETLs, Source and Destination Tables, Builds, Jobstreams, and just about anything tied into it. However, as time goes on, the spreadsheet is not always updated. This can annoy the Programmers periodically, as they reference the information. I've looked into the Document Catalog function within DataManager, but it's all but useless for me.
So I have 2 questions.
1 – I'd like to create a Database with all this information, but would like to update it automatically.
2 – Is there a Cognos Report we can run that will extract the info?
Thank you for any assistance you can provide.
Matthew Williams
We use a database for something similar I believe. The database is populated by DS jobs that pull data out of the main DS Repository. The repository is not the easiest to understand database and it doesn't work if the programmers write really screwy SQLs, but as long as they follow certain guidelines it works.
Where is the main DS Repository? I have not found it yet. I would love to see the setup of what you're doing and see if that would work for what I want to do. Could I get a little more detail to point me in the right direction? Please feel free to email if you'd rather not post here.
Matthew Williams
The catalog tables (which you refer to here as the DS Repository) are the same structure, no matter what database you use to host your catalog. If you can figure out the structure and content and make some sense of it, that's great, but IBM reserve the right to change the structure of the tables between releases, so what you build isn't necessarily future-proof. :)