Hi all,
This is 10.1.1, and as a administrator I can see and run all the reports. but a consumer gets access denied to public folder and all the tabs. When I add "everyone" to System adminstrator(I shouldn't be doing this) all can see the reports. What am I missing here, we use SSO.
Sytem Administrator is the highest level and would have every right on the cognos App. When you apply security, any folder will be accesible to only the user groups that you gave access to. Every user will have only the capabilities that he acquires by his memberships in other groups and roles.
Everybody is member of group everyone. If you make Everyone part of System admin group any one who logs in to cognos is system administer and that could result in doing them accidently things that they should not be doing/or know they are doing. Its a bad/risky practice.
You need to check the permissions on Public Folders and Tabs. It sounds like the Consumers role does not have rights to Public Folders. Also, check the members of the Consumers role and see who is in there. You should see entries from your active directory.
What did you change in your security/capabilities?
Did you document your changes? Can you back track?
Also check if users are added in Consumer role. There may be apossibility that Consumer role does not have any users.
Thank you all,
Adding "everyone" to System adminsitrator was just an test. now I have added "Everyone" to Consumer and that resolved this. Thank you.