Hi All,
I'm calculating a Net Amount field, based on Total Amounts from my summary row in a list report by Employee.
I'm able to properly calculate the net amount, however when I try to aggregate/summarize, I run into the following issue.
for example:
Employee A Employee B
Net Amount Net Amount
1000 2000
1000 2000
1000 2000
1000 2000
4000 8000
what i'd like to do is total each employee's DISTINCT net amount (Emp A $1000, Emp B $2000)
and afterwards, include a summary row of $3000.
I've tried averaging each Employee, however the total Summary should be Total, and not Avg. Any suggestions?
total(distinct [amount])
total(distinct [amount] for [employee])
in the list summary
Thanks Blom, however your solution only answers the first part of my dilemma.
I'm now able to get each distinct Summary amount by employee per below, however when I try to summarize my amounts, it summarizes my entire column, and not just the totals by employee.
Emp A 4000
Emp A 4000
SUMMARY Emp A 4000
Emp B 8000
Emp B 8000
SUMMARY Emp B 8000
Does it? Well, the idea is to point in the right direction ;) The total summary shouldn't be too hard to find out . Just check the help on performing an aggregate using a context and you will get the last part on your own ::)