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Planning & Consolidation => COGNOS Planning => Topic started by: Kalyan Krishna on 13 Jul 2012 12:57:02 PM

Title: New to Cognos Planning
Post by: Kalyan Krishna on 13 Jul 2012 12:57:02 PM
Dear All,
Good Day.

I am new learner to Cognos Planning, I have few queries

1) I have created couple of D-Lists D-cubes and saved them under a  library (In a folder on Windows XP), but when I look into the file system (library) there are certain files created ( Ex: NLDLIST.D0) in the library file system, how can I identify which file is D-list and which is a D-cube.

2) I have create a file map (Source file exists in d drive) in planning analyst and I saved this file map in a library (in c drive), but when I check for the file map in the library file system it is not available, but I can access this file map through planning analyst. Can you please tell me where does the file maps gets stored by default and how to delete them.

Thank You,
Title: Re: New to Cognos Planning
Post by: bi4u2 on 13 Jul 2012 07:26:58 PM
You do not ever want to edit or delete these library file objects.

You can maintain all of these objects in Analyst under File/Library/Objects. In this screen you can delete, open, rename, or even move objects between libraries.
Title: Re: New to Cognos Planning
Post by: gonza026 on 04 Oct 2012 10:35:23 AM
Quote from: bi4u2 on 13 Jul 2012 07:26:58 PM
You do not ever want to edit or delete these library file objects.

You can maintain all of these objects in Analyst under File/Library/Objects. In this screen you can delete, open, rename, or even move objects between libraries.


Hy. Thats answer is only you have to know. No delete from the C: any file, because is not the way.

The correctly way is Flie/Library... like bi4u2 said.

Title: Re: New to Cognos Planning
Post by: jeffowentn on 10 Oct 2012 04:32:16 PM

My question to you is why you need to know the different file type extensions.  It seems you have a requirement that you haven't mentioned that might be solved another way.

In case this helps:

As others have said, typically these objects should all be managed within Analyst and not in Windows Explorer, directly.

Title: Re: New to Cognos Planning
Post by: bi4u2 on 11 Oct 2012 09:00:45 AM

Alternatively, you can open your object in Analyst - whether it is a d-cube, d-list, A-table then go to the File Menu > Summary Info and on the General tab it will show you the exact location of where the object is saved in the directory. I used this one time when I changed a d-list and needed to restore the d-list from a back up copy.