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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => BI Modeling (Transformer) => Topic started by: antoxic87 on 06 Jul 2012 05:05:13 AM

Title: Parallel Period Returns Nothing
Post by: antoxic87 on 06 Jul 2012 05:05:13 AM
I have one query with few items. one of them defined like that:

currentMember([Cube_PlannedInspections_v1].[Calend ar Date].[Calendar Date(All)]);
parallelPeriod ( [Cube_PlannedInspections_v1].[Calendar Date].[Calendar Date(All)]].[Year]
;1;currentMember([Cube_PlannedInspections_v1].[Cale nd ar Date].[Calendar Date(All)]));

another - like that:

parallelPeriod (
[Cube_PlannedInspections_v1].[Calendar Date].[Calendar Date(All)].[Year];1;currentmember([Cube_PlannedIns pections_v1].[Calendar Date].[Calendar Date(All)]))

The first expression returns right value and the second returns nothing. Why? How I can display real parallel period in report?