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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Cognos Administration => Topic started by: RL_Boston on 05 Jul 2012 01:50:32 PM

Title: Default Sender flexible?
Post by: RL_Boston on 05 Jul 2012 01:50:32 PM
Does anyone know if the Default Sender option is "All or Nothing"?

I do have Default Sender configured and all our scheduled emails are sent from this address.

However, if a user tries to "send email" from within a report (after s/he has executed the report, the little drop down arrow next to "Keep this Version") is also sent by the Default Sender. Is there anyway to configure these emails to be sent from the requested user?

Title: Re: Default Sender flexible?
Post by: dcsoke on 13 Jul 2012 03:16:51 PM
Either way it goes through Cognos, taking the defualt. If they changed the process by running it as Excel or PDF and then emailing it from within that program they could have a feasible work-around.
Title: Re: Default Sender flexible?
Post by: Rahul Ganguli on 16 Jul 2012 01:41:04 AM

User has to set his/her email address in my preferences area to be able to send mail using their email address. If this value is not set, Cognos will use default sender's email.

Title: Re: Default Sender flexible?
Post by: RL_Boston on 16 Jul 2012 08:56:28 AM
Rahul - All users do have their Email entered in the Personal tab of their Preferences because we use AD Authentication. So that didn't work ...
Title: Re: Default Sender flexible?
Post by: Rahul Ganguli on 18 Jul 2012 05:17:37 AM

There still a textfeild for email, can you try to fill that and then email the reports.

Title: Re: Default Sender flexible?
Post by: kommireddy on 24 Jul 2012 01:40:06 PM
By default, if a user have valid email id configured in security namespace, then report will be sent from user email address. Default email id configured in cognos configuration will be used as sender address when user does not have valid email id in namespace.
Title: Re: Default Sender flexible?
Post by: dcsoke on 25 Jul 2012 09:09:04 AM
With v10.1.1 it's all or nothing... there isn't a way to send an email as oneself or choose the default configured in Cognos Configuration. This was my experience with the software when I did the upgrade from 8.4.1. If anyone has first hand experience doing it otherwise then please let us know what steps are required as this would be very useful.