When ever tried to load the data. i got this errior in Web contributor.
there was an internal application problem. try to save your work and exit the application. check console for complete stack trace.
I have checked in CAC-->application Maintanence--> admin option--> set to client only.
Can you please help me on this.
Can you clarify what you mean by "when trying to load data"?
If you are working in Contributor web, is it possible that another user has opened up the e.List item and taken ownership from you and therefore you cannot save your changes?
User is trying load the data by using get data function. Only one user not able to load the data. He is only getting the error.
Other user able to load the data in same application by using get data function.
Can you please help me on this.
Is the user trying to run a system link or a local link?
Local link only.