Can you please any body help me on this. I am getting lot of incidents with cognos planning 8.4.1 in Wnidows 7 platform. can you please assist any body.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Janardhan,
We'll need a little more information about what the problem is. Please provide any error messages and a description of the problem.
Failed to update the registry. The system was trying to write to the key: JKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cognos\Analyst
Possible reason could be insufficeient rights to write to this part of the regisrty.
Please take a look at this IBM technote:
Yes, We followed those steps before post this topic. After following those steps also User not able to access analyst.
Can you please help me on this?
Thanks in advance.
To confirm, the exact same error is encountered after following these instructions?
I've run into this error many times in the past due to the way the software interacts with a 64bit operating system. So, any new systems I need to install these steps are followed and the error never occurs.
I've attached a screenshot of a registry from one of my 2k8 r2 test case environments. Take a look at it and compare it to your system. Please note though that the install is c10 and will be different, however, the main parts are the same.
I opened your attachment but I found that's related to Cognos Planning 10. will I need to follow those steps in Cognos 8.4.1. can you please clarify my doubt.
Thanks For advance.
Analyst error failed to update the registry. The system was trying to write to the key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\software\Cognos\Analyst possible reason could be insufficient rights to write to this part of the registry.
In the TN I referenced initially, there is a section regarding the 8.4.1 version and what you need to do and confirm.
From my screen shot that I provided earlier, where it says Planning101, for your environment it will say Planning841.