Hi all,
I am having cognos 10.1.1 installed on my single machine.
I downloaded cognos mobile 10.1.1 and tried to install on the same machine.
Since ibm cognos mobile requires current IBM cognos BI, It must be installed in a path where cognos 10.1.1 is installed.
On installing it displays the path where to install to c10_64 directory,
On clicking next it says that it will replace the existing files.
So I canceled and given different path,On installing on diff path it says that No cognos BI server is installed.
So whats the solution?
Your guidance is appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Ignore that warning and install it to the same location where your BI installed.
After installing, Will I able to see both the welcome page ie of Cognos welcome page and cognos mobile welcome page.
Will my existing cog 10.1.1 BI get corrupt.
Kindly give your advice.
appreciated a lot.
Hi sashafay,
Have you tried this before.
What errors have you noticed while installing mobile.
Can you share some of them.
Hi shasafay,
I installed the mobile component,
Now it is displaying a page with error as the following error occured while making your request, No operation specified.
Is there any iis settings which needs to be done and how to install samples.
Please guide for the same
You need to install Mobile into the same folder as your existing Cognos 10 BI install. Yes - it will replace files - this is perfectly normal. Once you have installed, you will need to go into Cognos Configuration, save your configuration and start the Cognos 10 service using the button on the toolbar. This will extend the Content store to add the extra tables to support Mobile (or, if you have specified a separate Mobile content database in your configuration, it will populate this instead).
You should then be able to access your normal BI via the usual URL (http://hostname/ibmcognos) and the mobile interface via the mobile URL (http://hostname/ibmcognos/m). Nothing extra should need adding to your web server config.
I added a allowPathInfo=true in cgi-bin web.cnfig file for IBMCognos-CGI and IBMCOGNOS-ISAPI
Now the home page( http://localhost/ibmcognos/m) is getting and I am able to navigate to public folders and my folders
But on clicking a particular report not displaying anything, it shows opening a report and then automatically cancels ie (none of the objects are been displayed).
I am getting home page on http://localhost/ibmcognos/m from which I am able to navigte and search
on going on http://localhost/ibmcognos/m/isapi -it displays home page with connect processing and gets hanged.
Are you getting the same issue with desktop version too?
Hi All,
Sorry for the late reply.
I am getting the same issue in IE 9, but the same is working in mozilla firefox.
When viewing using Android phones, I am able to navigate and view reports.
Might be some settings in IE for cognos mobile, but I got in android.
Thanks for your response