Hi gurus,
am trying to insert an image on my report. there it is displaying an error message due to that image not uploaded in bi server. can any one tell me the steps how to upload the image to the cognos bi server?
thanks in adv
Copy the image to your server location ".../webcontent/samples/images " folder. Make sure you enable webdav on your webserver (IIS/Apache).
hi prasan, thanx for ur quick response. do i need to create a folder by the name images in webcontent/samples?
please explain me what is webdav
There will be a 'images' folder in that location. If not, create one. When you click on 'Browse' after adding the image (insertable objects -> toolbox), it will look into the images folder.
Webdav stands for Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning and you need to enable it on your webserver for it allow access to the images.
Please look into "Installation and Configuration Guide" for how to enable webdav(depends on your webserver).