Does anyone have a good resource (such as script information) for creating the initial content store database for Cognos 10 in Oracle? I need to build one, and I am really not sure what tables should be created and with what properties.
YOu should not create any tables, you just need to create a database (utf-8) and give sysadmin to a user (ex: cogoracle). In the Cognos Configuration, provide the database details and the sysadmin credentials.
When you attempt to start the cognos service, the tables are automatically created in the content store database.
There appears to be a new function in C10.1.1 where you can generate the DDL for the Content Store. If you specify the connection, then right-click, there is a Generate DDL option. I do not know what this does as I've not tried it before, but it might be what you are looking for.
Someclown, this option applies only to DB2 contentstores... Unfortunately... See: (
Good to know - it did strike me as a bit pointless but the DB2 explains that. I wonder if it exists for all possible content stores (notification, human tasks, etc) or if it's another half-finished feature. If I get around to checking, I'll post findings here. Tx.
Yes, I reckon MFGF is correct. I have used the script to create the content store in DB2. We have to follow the same old process with the other databases.
Quote from: CoolP on 01 Jul 2012 08:32:07 PM
Yes, I reckon MFGF is correct. I have used the script to create the content store in DB2. We have to follow the same old process with the other databases.
Hee hee. Much as I'd love to be correct, I can't take any credit for this - SomeClown and ReportNet Addict are the ones to credit :)
MFGF: You're replying too much... People are starting to think that every correct reply is made by you... :D
Thank you for the replies. I just want to make sure I understand (this is my first install). All that needs to be created in oracle is an empty database with no tables, but with a name (i.e. Cog10) and a user (i.e. cog10user) that has system admin rights to the database. The database must have a utf-8 character setting.
Does this sound right? It seems so crazy that it would be this simple, but I haven't done this before either.