Hi Gurus,
i added 2 radio prompts in my page. i have 2 date prompts( DP1,DP2) in my prompt page.
When user click radio button 1, i have to disable or hide the data prompt 2 and vice versa.
how can i do this by java script.
thanks in adv
Could you do this more easily with a single prompt that asks for both the start and end date? If so, try alterin the report filters to use a single filter for the date item using an in_range operator
[your date item] in_range ?your date parameter?
thanks for ur reply MFGF,
if i take one date prompt, how can i alter the filter?
pls tell me the steps.
and pls let me know how to hide n disable of the prompt in script
Your one prompt will ask for both start and end dates. Try it and you will see what I mean :)
I try never (ever ever ever) to use javascript in my reports. It might seem like a good idea initially, but later on when IBM change report specs as product upgrades are released, old javascript techniques can stop working. This could potentially leave you (or your client, to be more accurate) in a disastrous situation where lots of reports no longer function as intended, and can take weeks to fix. My advice is to avoid javascript unless there is absolutely no other way to achieve what you need.
Just my muppety tuppence :)