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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Active Reports => Topic started by: karla_mendez on 26 Jun 2012 02:39:20 PM

Title: Data Deck Simplification?
Post by: karla_mendez on 26 Jun 2012 02:39:20 PM
I'm trying to create a dashboard. All of the data in the main part of the dashboard changes with:
Organization + Month.
There are 5 levels of organizations, with 20 groups in each org level.

Right now, what I have is 5 data dropdowns (one for each org level) and one slider (for the months).
I also have a deck with 5 cards (one for each org level)
When you pick say Org2 drop down, it'll move to Card 2.

Within each card, there is another deck that shifts between 10 metrics. In each of those cards, there is one graph that has the groups in that org, a metric, and month (ex. say you select Org2 dropdown and pick one of the groups in Org2, then the graph will show all of the Org3 within that Org2). The graph is in a data deck that changes depending on the group you pick, and the month.

Is there a way to make it where it's one large data deck from the start, instead of 3 decks in each other?

The problem I'm facing is that I don't know how to make the graph X-axis change, depending on which Org level you're on.

Like, for Org level 1, the X-axis should be Org level 2. For Org level 2, the X-axis should be Org level 3, etc.

Any thoughts?