Good Day everyone:
I have a union query which has header and detail information in it based off of one file. The key to which is header and which is detail in which the identifier is BH = Header, BD = Detail.
When I run my report I have it sorting on the PO number.
My problem is that it is not keeping the Header record with the detail record when the report displays. Sometimes it brings in the header records and others times it does not.
I want the report to look like the example below:
PO-12345 BH Vendor Dollar Value Expr Date
PO - 12345 BD Line 1 Item Number QTY Dollar Value
Line 2 Item Number QTY Dollar Value
Line 3 Item Number QTY Dollar Value
Line 4 Item Number QTY Dollar Value
I thought I could handle it on the sort portion of the report but I am unsuccesful.
Any suggestions would be great.
Thank you.
Use '1.BH' and '2.BD' as a second order dataitem. This will give all data sorted on the PO order number first and automatically show the header record first.
Alternatively create a master - detail report with 2 seperate queries instead of the union..
Thank you for your assistance. Went with option two and it is working spiffy.