I have inherited a package of reports, which have issues in their functionality. For example one report is using an Inner Join based on the framework, where a Right Outer Join is needed instead. However as the package is fairly old, and the original developer has long gone, I have no idea where the framework for this package sits.
Q) Using the Administration Connection, or via any other means, is it possible to export/copy/extract the framework from the Blue Package on the Cognos portal?
And if so, what are the steps to action this?
Many thanks,
I do not think that this functionality exists. You might want to get on the Cognos Application server and do a search for everything that ends in .cpf.
What are you looking is described in the following link
How to recover a corrupted or lost Framework Manager model. (http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21505488)
and it works since I had to try it for a customer
Take a look at the following Podcast at http://www.bspsoftware.com/Support/PodcastChannel
3.16: Recovering Lost Framework Manager Models
This podcast covers two techniques to recover lost Framework Manager models. Leveraging MetaManager, models can be recovered simply through the associated published package. The second option is to leverage a version control tool such as Integrated Control Suite's Client Connector.