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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: gshilpa24 on 26 Jun 2012 09:03:45 AM

Title: Need Help - Urgent Issue
Post by: gshilpa24 on 26 Jun 2012 09:03:45 AM
Hi All,

i have created a model and a package in the FM using the data source - HRINS ( SIT Data Source)

i basically have three data sources, HRINS, HRINU and HRINP.

HRINU - UAT Database
HRINP - Prod

Now i want my report to be pointed to UAT data source,

So i changed the follwing properties in the Framework Manager.
Content Manager Datasource - HINU
Catalog - HRINU

Schema - hrinu

I basically have these data sources created in the cognos portal as well.

But i when point it to the HRINU data source, and run the report i get the follwoing error.

UDA-SQL-0196 The table or view "HRINU.HRINU.hrins.ZY00" was not found in the dictionary.


       An error occurred while performing operation 'sqlPrepareWithOptions' status='-201'.

Please help...

I need to resolve... is there any problem with the connection or the data source i am creating. the connection string gets succeeded in the cognos portal.

Kindly Advise.

Title: Re: Need Help - Urgent Issue
Post by: gshilpa24 on 26 Jun 2012 09:33:09 AM
Please help... ASAP... I tried all the possible ways , but could nt resolve  :(
Title: Re: Need Help - Urgent Issue
Post by: bi4u2 on 26 Jun 2012 09:53:07 AM
You do not want 2 separate data source connections for this. Create one Data Source Connection in Cognos Adminstration - call it something generic like 'DATASOURCE', then under that create 2 connections: UAT and PROD with the appropriate connections to the 2 database. Go back into Framework Manager and take the schema value you added to 'Catalog' off and republish.

You are getting that error in your report because the Framework was imported with a different data source. When you run your report now, you will be prompted to use: UAT or PROD.
Title: Re: Need Help - Urgent Issue
Post by: gshilpa24 on 27 Jun 2012 02:07:27 AM
Hi ,

Thanks for your response.
But I do not want UAT or Prod to be prompted when the report is run.

Please help me with the steps.

First what i need to do in the cognos connection portal -  Directory - Data Sources?

Please help.
Title: Re: Need Help - Urgent Issue
Post by: bi4u2 on 29 Jun 2012 02:55:57 PM
You create the data source connections in Cognos Administration/Configuration/Data Source Connection. You can have 1 data source with 2 connections. You can disable the connections that you do not want users to use 'UAT'. You may decide at some point you want to test against it. You can also set permissions on a data source connection like anything else in Cognos.