Here i have problem:
I'm creating Data source from Framework manager and while I'm creating framework manager data source that it is successfully created but while I'm trying to select that same datasource that time it is asking again user id/pass ,then i'm putting same id/passwd what i put in datasource creation time, but it is saying user id /passwd missing or wrong , so I'm wondering why it is asking again , generally it shouldn't be asking id/paswd once we had done datasource creation.
Any help would be appreciated.
It sounds like the signon information attached to the data source is either missing or incorrect. You will need to log in to the Cognos Connection portal and launch the Admin Console to check it (and change it). FM allows creation of data source connections but not subsequent maintenance.
FM uses the local system TNS file to connect to the data source ..There might be probability that your cognos application TNS file and local system file may have different datasource under the same name. I my case that was the problem. When both were named same the problem dot resolved.