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ETL, App Development and other tools => COGNOS DecisionStream/Data Manager => Topic started by: gatorfe on 18 Jun 2012 02:04:54 PM

Title: DM Limiting Results
Post by: gatorfe on 18 Jun 2012 02:04:54 PM
Hello, I am testing the query results of a build in DM.  The query is looking at a few fields in a table from our ERP system.  There are no joins or filters in the query syntax.  When I run it to see the amount of lines I get in DM only 6697 show up.  When I run the same query in the ERP system I get 62727.  I have others builds in this catalog that look at similar files and have similar query syntax and get the same line total values in DM as I do in ERP.  I verified I am looking at the correct source.  Any other suggestions?  Thanks in advance for your help!
Title: Re: DM Limiting Results
Post by: eknight on 19 Jun 2012 01:45:46 AM
Are you sure you're looking at the right data? Maybe you're using the wrong schema or the connection data is wrong or you're looking at a view. Is there any more info you could provide? Is the query just a basic select *?
Title: Re: DM Limiting Results
Post by: wyconian on 19 Jun 2012 02:38:25 AM

Is this a fact build or a dimension build?

If it's a fact build what's the table delivery?  For example if you're using an update/insert delivery and you've specified a column as a key (or dimension) and the key isn't unique you could be loosing records (or records will be being updated based on the key rather than multiple records with the same key being added).

Check the input on the properties of the build.  You can set this to accept/reject/merge/aggregate records with the same key, again if the key is not correct you could be 'loosing' records.

Do you have any lookups?  If you do have you set acceptable unmatched records on?  If you haven't records could be rejectec becasuse they can't find the corresponding records in the lookup.

Have you tried taking the SQL from the data source query and running against SQLterm or aginst your database? That would check the right number of records are being loaded into memory.  If that's OK check the number of records coming out of the data stream.

Are you using a delta strategy?

Just a couple of ideas, let us know how you get on.
Title: Re: DM Limiting Results
Post by: MFGF on 20 Jun 2012 09:40:17 AM
How are you verifying the number of rows returned? Is this from the build log? From SQL Helper? From executing the datastream? From looking at the number of rows in the target table?

If you can give us a littlle more info we may be able to suggest what to try next.
