I have the requirements for a report where the customer inputs some prompt values then it opens a report that if left open will auto refresh every few minutes.
I have searched all over and I found IBM's answer to it (http://www-304.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21342426) which works EXCEPT for the prompt values, when it refreshes it goes back to the prompt page. I haven't seen anyone mention anything about the prompt values.
Is it even possible to keep prompt values with this when it refreshes?
There is a link at the bottom of the IBM page you originally quoted that discusses passing parameters, perhaps that will help
Thank you for your reply.
I have tried that, the scripts on that page are for versions 8.1 and 8.2, and don't work in 8.3 or higher (I have 8.4).
okay, try this one...should work for 8.3 and above....
That is the one I linked originally.
It does work, but it goes back to the prompt page every time it refreshes and you have to resubmit the prompts.
I don't know much about JS and I was hoping someone might know of a way to modify the script (or add some additional scripts to the report) to make it so it refreshes, but skips the prompt page, keeping the original prompt values.