I'm using Reportnet 1.1 with Sybase 12.5 and trying to use temp tables, either by creating a QS in FM or in Tabular SQL in Report studio. I know to use @ instead of #, but it still isn't working. Any suggestions?
Should I be able to use syntax like the following?:
create table @tblOutput
( Description varchar(255) not null,
UserCode varchar(30) null,
Number int not null,
Imnt varchar(40) null,
Network varchar(20) null,
Action varchar(10) null,
ErrorText varchar(255) null)
To the best of my knowledge, the Universal Data Access layer of ReportNet does not support DDL statements such as CREATE TABLE, DROP TABLE etc. (Also I don't believe it supports INSERT, DELETE or UPDATE DML statements either)
You could try it using a stored procedure...
Hi RA,
I guess that would work in Cognos 8 with a Data Modification stored procedure call invoked from Event Studio, but I don't think ReportNet supports modification SPs...
Hi MF!!
If he would need it to create a temp table that's to be used by QS by other users it won't work because CRN usestransactions. So it might work in a user session. (and not to forget: how to deal with simultaneous sp calls... )
Yes indeed.
I will be in Amsterdam in April - and I still owe you that beer! If you're going to be around, I'd be happy to pay my debt. :-)
Best regards,
Ok.. that's settled then... See you in Amsterdam :D
btw Where do you want to go to? The red light district? Coffee shops? Do you want to go to the banana bar? ;)