We want to display the prompt selection made and if no value is selected we need to display 'ALL'.
We used the below expression:
case when ParamDisplayValue('Parameter1') is missing then 'ALL' else ParamDisplayValue('Parameter1') end
We have around 1645 values in prompt. When i select around 1640 values it is just displaying "--" instead of displaying all those 1640 values. If i select few values then it is working fine.
Is there any upper limit for ParamDisplayValue function??
To over come this i just displayed the dataitem in report and also a text item 'ALL'. I conditionally hide them.
Expression used in variable : "ParamDisplayValue('Parameter1') is missing".
But when i run report now by selecting 1640 values it is throwing an error.
Error: Failed to evaluate expression: 'ParamDisplayValue('Parameter1')...
Can some one help me out?
I think ParamDisplayValue is something you can only use in a layout calculation.
Why not just make another query that uses your parameter to return all the choices and use a list or repeater to display the values?
Thank you Lynn for your reply.
It actually is a layout calculation which worked fine for other prompts that had few values (around 100). But for prompt which has many values (and select all of them) it was not working fine.
Reteater helped. But just want to know if paramdisplay had any limit.
If i use repearter , then if the prompt is not selected even in that case it is displaying all the values. I want word 'ALL' to be shown in that case.
I think I gave you the wrong information originally about using param functions only in layout calculations. I'll blame Friday for that gaffe.
If you go back to using a variable as the approach to achieving what you are after, maybe try using paramCount instead and checking for zero. You mentioned an error using paramDisplayValue but you didn't indicate what the error was.
Using a data container to show the results with the added requirement of "ALL" for nothing selected gets a little more complicated since the prompt is obviously optional. You could make it required and add a static choice for ALL, but seems more work than going with your original idea.
Yes Lynn...
I tried using Paramcount too. When selected many prompt values (around 4000 - not a select all) it was displaying '--' instead of diaplaying the selection made.
Issue is, when few values are selected from prompt all functions seem to work (ParamDisplay & Param Count) when selecting maaany values it doesnt.
Anyways, i dont think displaying all the 4000+ values will ever be useful for enduser.
Here is the solution which worked.
I used a repeater to display all the values selected in prompt (as ParamDisplay is displaying '--').
This repeater is rendered based on a variable (ParamCount('Parameter1')>0).